Apple iPhone Registration: A Step by Step Guide


Once inside your Immobilise account add a new item by clicking the button Register a single item.

Stage 1

On Step 1 provide details of your mobile phone by Type, Phone Number, Make, Model, Description, Markings, Date Purchased and Purchase Cost. Click next, the details will be saved and you will be taken to Step 2.

Stage 2

On Step 2 enter as many identification codes as you can find in the input box provided. These can include the IMEI number, serial number, an asset label, UV pen marking or any other 3rd party product marks you can find.

Stage 3

In the overview of your registered item you can add photographs, a purchase receipt or other documents such as an insurance certificate. Click add one now! and in the input box that appears, use the select button to find the file, then click the upload image button to add it.

Please note the system will only accept JPEG or PNG file types under 2mb in size.

Stage 4

Clicking the My Items button will take you to your main account view and you will see your new and other registered items.

If you need to make a change, click the grey cog button to View/Edit item detail, Report Lost, Report Stolen, Download Certificate, or Delete the item.

Stage 5


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