Lost phone on the beach

5 Items to Register in your Shed & Garage

Immobilise isn’t just for mobile phones and gadgets – anything with a unique identifier can be registered (for free!) on the Immobilise database.

The items hidden away in your garage or shed often get overlooked, but you can protect them too, taking steps to make it easier for you to be reunited in the worst-case scenario of your belongings being stolen.

If you label your items, it could even act as a deterrent to thieves, as it makes them harder to sell on and less desirable.

Bike shed

1. Bikes

Claims for bike thefts between January and April this year were up by 126% compared to the same period in 2021.
– Urban Jungle

You can register your bike with the frame serial number, an RFID tag (ImmobiBike or ImmobiTag), coded microdot, forensic liquid, chemical etching or any other third party product marks you can find.

Step by step guide on how to register your bike.


Power tools

2. Power Tools

42% of outbuilding thefts resulted in tools being stolen.
– Confused.com, 2021

Power tools are likely to be targeted by thieves. They can be registered with the serial number, an asset label, UV pen marking, forensic liquid, coded microdot, or any other third party product marks you can find.

Step by step guide on how to register your power tool.



3. Lawnmowers

Thefts from gardens shoot up by over 25% when the clocks go forward.
– Aviva Claims Statistics, 2002–2011

If your lawnmower or strimmer doesn’t already have a unique identifier such as a serial number, you can use an Immobilise marking kit – or any third party property marking tool – to give it an identifier and then register it for free on Immobilise.

For a range of marking and security products to help you register your items visit the Immobilise shop.


Golf Clubs

4. Leisure Equipment

Golf club theft is estimated at £10 million every year.
– The Professional Golfers Club Association (PGA)

The demand for home gym and leisure equipment has gone through the roof over the last couple of years. People are keeping tents, skis, snowboards, kayaks, skateboards, paddleboards and golf clubs (etc, etc!) in sheds and garages.

Anything with a unique identifier can be registered on Immobilise and if your item doesn’t already have an identifier, you can use a property marking kit.

Step by step guide on how to register your golf clubs.


Garden scene

5. Outdoor Furniture

The outdoor furniture market in the UK amounts to £1.26 billion this year
– Statista.com

If you’re protecting your outdoor furniture from the elements by keeping it in the shed, you can also try to protect it from theft. If your furniture doesn’t have a unique identifier such as a serial number, you can use an Immobilise marking kit – or any third party property marking tool – to give it an identifier and then register it for free on Immobilise.

For a range of marking and security products to help you register your items visit the Immobilise shop.

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Security products

ImmobiKey Tags

ImmobiKey - Key Tags and Recovery Service image

ImmobiKey is designed to securely re-unite people with their keys should they be lost or stolen.

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ImmobiMark Complete Property Marking Kit

ImmobiMark Complete Property Marking Kit

Ideal for use with your Immobilise account. You will be able to mark, label and register all your possessions to deter thieves and help the authorities identify and return your property.

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